Assassin creed 3 game review
Assassin creed 3 game review

assassin creed 3 game review

On rare occasions, side missions disappear from your map when you arrive at them. At times, the wanted signs that you can tear down to decrease notoriety will show up on a map, yet be unavailable to destroy.

assassin creed 3 game review

It also completely breaks up the flow of gameplay, and negatively affects your ability to follow a coherent plotline.Īlso, while the game may get plenty of post-launch patching, it’s quite buggy as of release day. Other open world games do a better job of keeping dynamic (and less morally taxing) moments on the periphery as you’re lasering in on the task at hand. It’s hard to stay focused on your story mission when a dynamic “stop the Redcoats from openly executing a group of people on the street” moment spawns a few feet away from Connor.

assassin creed 3 game review

If you’re interested in slaying some Templars, you’ll have to fight to avoid the numerous side quests that seem to fly around in your face. It’s engaging, but at times, the overly dynamic nature of the world undermines it. Although it takes hours before Connor finally dons the trademark white assassin’s hood, it’s a fun juxtaposition of historical figures and Forrest Gump-like embellishment, as well as some unexpected moments of social commentary about America.


The in-Animus tale is a rather interesting one that’s full of intrigue and plot twists. It’s a clunky and convoluted system that takes fun side content and renders it so obscured that you’ll likely skip through a great deal of it on your way to thwarting the Templars.Īnother issue facing AC3 is its pacing. In order to do a task as simple as sending assassin recruits out on missions to earn experience (something the game fails to mention), you’ll have to dive into a number of submenus to pull it up. It’s a hugely missed opportunity.Īlso, the menus are also cumbersome to navigate, which may cause you to miss other opportunities. Instead, the homestead feels like an optional feature rather than an important segment of gameplay you’ll actively want to cultivate. However, it’s an unwieldy system that’s not particularly fun or engaging, and frankly, you can easily clear the game without much help from side income. Connor’s homestead (AC3’s version of prior games’ villas) allows you to recruit settlers of differing skillsets-fur trappers, lumberjacks, artisans-to help craft objects, which you can send out via convoy to vendors in Boston. In past games, the economy felt like a far more natural and necessary growth process. AC3’s biggest shortcoming is that it sags heavily with those same features, and fails to organically tie them into Connor’s crusade. 2011's AC: Revelations suffered from “feature bloat” and an excess of trite filler. Since Assassin’s Creed II bowed in 2009, Ubisoft has implemented more collectibles and more economic opportunities. However, for the numerous new elements that make Assassin’s Creed III an engaging experience, there are others that heavily undermine it. There’s a real intensity to steering a vessel and lining up just the right cannonball shots as an enemy fleet approaches. The game also features a naval segment, which works well and is quite fun to play. And while you’ll still encounter guards out in the woods, you’ll mostly be entrenched in hunting wild animals, which you can then process for profitable parts and fur. Once you grasp the basics, you’ll be free-running through tree tops with the same ease that you’d run across rooftops. With a move out of the typical urban locale into the Frontier, a sprawling chunk of wilderness, the game shows off a real maturity in taking familiar gameplay and grafting it onto a new and initially unfamiliar locale. It supplements the excellent free-running wonderfully, and provides a real thrill once you’ve built up a pile of Redcoat corpses.ĪC3 also takes a excellent new tack on terrain. Fights are fluid and responsive, thanks to great visual cues-a successful counter or blocked attack displays as a few seconds of slow motion-that helps you decide whether to disarm, shove, or kill an attacker.


There are no on-screen combo tickers a la most button-mashing action games like God of War, but it has that sense of free flow in its battles. Speaking of combat, AC3’s brawling is fantastic.

Assassin creed 3 game review